When caring for your own lawn, you are allowed to make a mistake or two, although you will certainly want to avoid those. Yet, when working as a commercial gardener, mistakes can cost you a lot. Leaving a client unhappy with the work you’ve done can result in them spreading the word and thus jeopardizing your reputation. A lot is at stake when doing the work you’re doing, which is why you want to be perfect at it. If you want to get a clearer idea on how to start your gardening business in Australia, you can check this article out: https://www.startyourown.com.au/guides/gardening-business/
So, as explained, you want the work you’re doing for your clients to be perfect. And, while you’ll put a lot of care in watering, trimming, feeding the plants, fertilizing the area and keeping it clean from litter and debris, you should never forget one crucial thing. You have an enemy in the job that you’ll constantly be fighting. Just like Superman.
To be more precise, you have enemies. Plural. Enemies that will keep on popping up and giving you trouble even after you spend a lot of time getting rid of them. It’s a never-ending battle that requires you to be the winner at all times, if you really want to be a gardening Superman and thus keep your clients happy. The name of the enemy? Weed.
Plants growing where they are not wanted, that is, weeds, can cause some serious damage to the soil, degrading it and reducing your chances of successfully growing the plants you do want. Not to mention that they could also be harmful for people’s health. So, fighting this enemy is your responsibility, and it is certainly a huge one, not to be ignored and neglected. No client will be happy if their gardens are covered in weed.
How Weed Killers Are Helping Commercial Gardeners
How can you, however, fight those enemies? There’s a little something called a weed killer that can do the trick for you. Every superhero needs the right weapon to eliminate the enemy, and you do too. And, you have your hands, but you also have weed killers, products designed specifically to help gardeners get rid of this nuisance much more easily and much more successfully.
Not sure how these products can be of help? Time to find out! Compared to some other methods of weed control, these come with numerous advantages, especially because they can be used in so many different ways. Understanding how you can benefit from them will probably have you rushing off to buy these products and start using them on the golf courses, in the gardens, and pretty much in any areas you’re responsible for keeping in great condition.
Want some crops to grow without having to compete for nutrients in those early stages of development? Weed killers, given that they can be applied in the pre-plant stage, can help you achieve that. This way, you will have won the battle against the enemy even before it actually started. If that’s not called having the upper hand, then I don’t know what is.

Relying on your hands and some mechanical tools to get rid of the weeds that have already appeared? While that can sometimes be a good weed control option, the truth is that it is quite lacking in some aspects. Why? Because there are areas you won’t have to reach with the mechanical methods. Narrow spaced and broadcast sown crops will be left to their own devices this way. On the other hand, when you add weed killers to the mix, you’ll be sure to reach all the weeds in the field, including intra-row ones as well, which will be quite a huge success for you as a commercial gardener.
Another reason why some of those mechanical methods may be lacking is because they can’t always reach the roots of the weeds. Removing the top part, however, won’t do you much good, since you’ll only find yourself needing to deal with the nuisance all over again rather quickly. Thus, a smarter approach towards weed control, a process you should learn more about if you still aren’t an expert gardener, is needed, and it is the weed killers that will provide you with the smart part. Easily reaching and destroying the roots, these products will make sure that you don’t have to deal with these nuisances again in the near future.
Speaking of not having to deal with the nuisance in the near future, that’s another benefit of these specific products. Basically, they kill the weeds and prevent them from growing back soon. These long-term effects allow you, as the commercial gardener, to focus on making the area even more beautiful and neat, not having to constantly be worried about certain plants growing where they are unwanted. This way, you’ll surely have happy clients, and happy clients are good for business!
Certain weeds can sometimes appear structurally similar to the plants you want to grow, making you unknowingly miss them when using mechanical removal methods. When using the right products, though, you’ll effectively remove those structurally similar and yet biologically different weeds without causing any harms to the crops and plants you want to keep. So, while your eyes and hands could make a mistake, weed killers certainly won’t.
Golf Courses & Gardens
Taking care of golf courses and gardens for your clients? Doing so will require a lot of work, and working smarter instead of harder should be your motto. What does working smarter mean in this particular case, though? Quite obvious, isn’t it?
Working smarter means using the right products to quickly and effectively get rid of the weeds and allow you to keep the area neat and clean at all times, while not having to constantly worry about the unwanted plants reappearing and about you having to use mechanical tools to remove them, without even reaching the roots. So, it may be time for you to do some shopping. Make sure to find safe and effective products, though, for best results.