Wisdom teeth erupt at the back of your mouth in early adulthood or late adolescence. While some people develop all four wisdom teeth, others may get just one or two or none. In most cases, a wisdom tooth creates dental problems for many reasons and may impact the oral and overall health of a person. To avoid health issues due to wisdom teeth, it is best to extract them even when they aren’t bothering you.
Here are some signs that show its time for you to visit your dentist in Port Melbourne and have your wisdom tooth extracted:
Growth in a different angle
At times, a wisdom tooth erupts at a different angle, occupying too much space in the mouth, thus disturbing the neighbouring teeth. In such cases, the patient experiences overcrowding of teeth. The only way to make space for other teeth is by extracting the wisdom tooth.
Gum inflammation
The emergence of a wisdom tooth may sometimes lead to gum inflammation. The tooth may create a flap of gum tissue that can trap tiny food particles. The trapped food then attracts bacteria that may seep through the flap and damage the nerves, causing the tissue near the tooth to inflate. If this happens, the patient may experience pain and discomfort, and the only way to treat this condition is to get the wisdom tooth extracted.
Sinus Issues
An impacted wisdom tooth may lead to sinus issues. If a wisdom tooth erupts on the upper jaw, the chances of sinus issues increase. As the tooth and its roots develop, they push the neighbouring teeth and cause them to put pressure on the sinuses.
Wisdom teeth that don’t erupt fully lead to problems like tooth decay and cavities. They cause swelling and may create pockets between the teeth, making space for bacteria to thrive upon. Once there is bacteria build-up, the chances of cavities increase.
If you are experiencing any of the above issues, it is best to visit your dentist right away. The dentist will check the condition of your wisdom tooth and may suggest extraction as soon as possible. The extraction can be done with a simple surgery. The procedure involves anaesthesia so that you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the process. However, once the anaesthesia wears out, you may find the site to be painful. In most cases, your dentist will prescribe pain killers to help you deal with the pain.
How Do I Handle Wisdom Tooth Extraction
The main concern with wisdom tooth extraction is handling the site after the surgery. The time required for recovery of the site depends upon person to person.
However, to ensure a speedy recovery, you can follow these tips:
1. You may experience some bleeding after the teeth removal. It is best to place a dampened piece of gauze at the site and keep biting it. This will help the bleeding to stop.
2. You may consider putting damp tea bags on the site to stop the bleeding. The tannin from the tea may prevent clotting of blood.
3. Once you are home and the anaesthesia wears out, you may take medications prescribed by your dentist. If not, you can choose an over-the-counter pain killer.
4. To reduce the swelling, you can keep an ice pack in the affected area. You can give a gap of 20 minutes between each session.
5. It is best to drink plenty of fluids after the surgery. You can consider having yogurt, smoothies, and soft foods for at least 24 hours after the surgery. This will help the site to heal better as there will be no hard food sticking to it or disturbing it.
6. Keep your teeth clean to speed up the recovery procedure. You should brush your teeth the next day and rinse your mouth with salt water after every meal. Avoid applying too much pressure while brushing near the site, which may add to the pain and discomfort.