Even though surgery is meant to heal your body of the problems you’ve been having, the process of surgery itself can actually be quite taxing on your body. Depending on what it is, you might undergo multiple incision sites and end up being in some pain and discomfort afterward.
It’s all to be expected, of course, but that doesn’t make the post-surgery situation any more welcoming. After all, you have a life with things going on, and you don’t necessarily want to stop everything for a few weeks or even months.
The point to remember, though, is that the right kind of post-surgery recovery sets the scene for everything that comes after. The effort you put in to heal now can mean the world to you later.
That’s why we’ve written this article: to help you along after you’ve been through surgery. Here are three ways to help your body recover after surgery.
Wear Compression Garments
Your surgeon will likely tell you that healing the right way often means wearing post-surgical garments for a certain amount of time. These garments, as their name implies, squeeze your body to hold the point of surgery in place and reduce swelling and bruising.
You should also benefit from relief of your pain and discomfort, as well, since these types of garments promote healing and ultimately prevent scarring at your incision site.
It might seem a little uncomfortable at first, but you can eventually get used to it while knowing the garment is there to help.
Listen to Your Doctor
Your doctor will have very specific instructions for you after surgery. Those guidelines may include items such as reducing the amount of heavy activity you participate in, such as exercising.
At the same time, your doctor may tell you to become even more active than usual, since moving around will ultimately help your surgery site to heal. In any case, you certainly can’t be sitting around all the time, either. Too much rest and relaxation after surgery can cause bedsores, low blood circulation, and muscle stiffness and weakness.
Listen to your doctor, and you will thank yourself for your discipline later.
Keep Up with Schedules
Finally, after surgery, you’re going to have some schedules to maintain. You’ll probably be booked for multiple follow-up appointments with your surgeon so he or she can check on your healing progress.
You may also have a slew of new medications to take after surgery to help your healing along. If you aren’t the biggest fan of taking medications, do your best to look past it. It’s only temporary, and it’s done to benefit you.
As long as you can deal with all of these things after surgery, you’ll probably heal just fine. As always, though, reach out to your doctor with any and all questions. No Internet article is a substitute for consulting directly with the person who performed your surgery.